
Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I don't know if you know but I'm an avid knitter. Like, I knit when I'm stressed, I knit when I'm happy, I knit when I wake up, I wish I could learn how to knit when I'm asleep. My room is filled with balls of yarn, and not just once or twice have I stabbed myself with a knitting needle - accidentally of course (stepped on one that's vertically sticking in a pile of clothes? check. Gotten one stuck on your thigh because it was on the sofa/bed? gaziiillliiiooon times check). But yeah. Long story short - I knit. Not a lot maybe, because I'm a freaking perfectionist and I like to start projects and never finish them, but anyway.

Not like my ravelry has anything on it, yet, so there's no proof of my skills anywhere. Except on some of my friends. Mainly on their feet.

I just love socks.

BUT THAT'S NOT THE REASON WHY I'M WRITING THIS NOW okay. It's this. Which leads us to another thing you might not have been aware of.

I've been recently watching a lot of ice hockey, as I may have mentioned on my last post (I think I mentioned only once? Good. Because I have a tendency to mention hockey in like, every other sentence nowadays). I've been a hockey fan since I was a kid, but I didn't start watching the games before this season. I've known what's my team in the Finnish league before I knew I knew it (does that make sense?), because people up North root for people from up North, and that's the rule, dare to break it and....... yeah. But NHL, man. There are 30 teams and I had no pre-feeling bonds with any of those. Except maybe with the ones with lots of Finnish players.

And Flyers. I knew already I hated them.

And Canucks and Kings and Rangers, too.

So that left me with 26 teams from which to pick one to root for. Tough job, eh? Not the case. It was the first game of the season, and I already knew I had found them.

Chicago Blackhawks. Ah. Love from the first sight.

So, me being a knitting addict, I just could help myself. And it all came down to this.

je suis super awkward

art of taking selfies with a webcam: master's degree achieved.

And that's just the beginning. I already have socks almost ready, and mittens coming right up. A friend also ordered a Phoenix Coyotes beanie so I think I need to get onto that right on. Heh. That's what happens when you're a poor student with lots of free time and yarn in your house.

All the credit for the pattern goes to this amazing person on Ravelry. I needed to make some changes to make it more fit, but it's still a bit too loose for me. Maybe I'll sew in a fleece lining, I don't know yet. I also took the liberty to change "Chicago" to "Blackhawks" using the alphabet chart I found from this site.

And I guess I need to mention I knitted that pullover last fall. It is my first ever full-length pullover I managed to finish and I'm pretty satisfied with it. I might make a post about it later, if I manage to arse myself to it.

I found these super cute mittens knitted by my grandma when I was looking for the pompom I had made beforehand. It runs in our family. Knitting, I mean. It's just gonna take me years to get the handiwork to be as flawless as granny's is. I don't know how she does that. Or my mom. They're too good.

What else did I do today? Applied for schools (I'll tell ya later), deleted a bunch of tweets (the old ones from 2011 are so embarrassing I want to cry), watched Once Upon a Time (why do I even bother? Augustus turned into a little boy again, Huntsman is dead and Hook is nowhere to be seen), aanndd.... that's about it? Oh. I did go outside. And almost tried putting the dirt bag into our mail box. I really need this break.

Hasta luego!

Saturday, March 23, 2013



My high school's now over. Done. Finished. And I still can't quite believe it - has it really been four years? Well technically it hasn't, just a bit over three and a half, but... you know. Four years. It's a long time for a teenager. Feels like a little forever.

And now it's... over? Excuse me, I need a moment.

Anyway, I didn't get one.  Not a sleeping one, at least, as it is 7:45 am the morning after my last exam and I'm in the middle of nowhere, almost literally, on my way to our cabin which is.... even more in the middle of nowhere. But its okay. I like it there. I love it there.

Yeah. I look exactly like a person who's been sleep deprived for the last two months because she's been waking up in the middle of the night to watch ice hockey who's had four six-hour-long exams in the last twelve days AND who's woken up 5:15 am after 5-hour-ish sleep.

But it's okaaayyy. It's all okay. I'm going to Ylläs and it's going to be awesome. Then I'm going home and I'm going to sleep. And read. And write, because Camp NaNo is here (not like I have a plot or anything planned, though. It's scary. But I didn't have one last November when the actual NaNoWriMo was, so I  guess that's okay, too?). And I'm going to knit, and go out, and take photos, and not think about school for... At least a month.

But I still can't believe it's all over. Wow.

Now I think I gots to go, they promised there'd be electricity in the train, but I don't see a plug anywhere. So my battery's kind of dying. Liars. They're all liars.

Expect a photo spam of irrelevant, lame-ish Canada lookalike scenarios in the following posts. I don't care. It's okaay. And I love it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hey. I'm back.

After a complete do-over including new URL (I can't believe this wasn't taken! Now I'm convinced there's a typo somewhere and people are laughing at me) and layout (I love maps I love love love maps aaahh maps I want to cover my walls with MAPS) and deleting all my previous posts (not that there were that many of them to begin with), I'm back, and this time hopefully for good.

On the other hand we are talking about me so nothing is certain.

So I hope to see you around. After my final final exam, that is. Who am I kidding though, I'll probably redo everything here just to avoid revising, because that's just the kind of procrastinator I am.

I'm so lame.